Sunday, July 27, 2008

One for You and One for ME!

Okay, so I said that I was not going to be a bride dictator and demand that my bridesmaids wear the same dresses. I have two bridesmaids that are as different as night and day. One is classic the other trendy, one is understated the other flashy, one is tall and willowy the other extremely petite with curves. I want them to look and feel great in the dress they wear, and I highly doubt that will be accomplished in forcing them to wear the same thing. In fact I think its Mission impossible to find a dress that would look fantastic on both of them.

So I was going to designate a designer and say to them choose what looks best as long as its chocolate brown. I was leaning towards J Crew since I love their classic flirty styles and figured that maybe they could get another wear out of them.

Until I saw the bridesmaid dresses from Priscilla of Boston and I fell in love!!!

I totally wanted to change my mind and have them each wear one of these lovely creations. [photos courtesy of The Knot]

Darn it I was lusting after them myself. In fact I was lusting so hard that when I drove by the shop this weekend and I saw the beatiful papaya dress with the ruffles in the window I told my fiance that we had to go in and try it on. So we went in with him being very uncomfortable since in his words "he was entering an inner sanctum of women" and tried on both the ruffled concoction and the strapless dress with pockets. Needless to say they were both AWESOME! And I decided on the spot to get the ruffled dress for myself to wear to my friend's wedding in May. And I am putting the strapless number on the short list for my rehearsal dinner. And to top it all off I get a 15% discount for having bought my wedding dress there and being a preferred customer. Can we say YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

What else I love about the dresses is the fabric. Its a cotton which is perfect for spring/summer weddings/functions and so appropriate for daytime. They offer their cotton dresses in a range of lovely colors, which includes brown, but was disappointed that there was no soft pink. The papaya pictured here was the closest thing ;-(

So I am going to let my bridesmaids still choose the dress of their choosing from PB as long as its cotton (and maybe chiffon - another choice for a daytime summer wedding), tea length, and its chocolate brown.

But would it be odd to have worn one of your bridesmaid dresses to a friend's wedding earlier in the year? What do you think?

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